Paul Gnanodayan

Founder and CEO



As the 304 Games Inc. founder, Paul is the master of this great invention. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Information Systems at Northeastern University, Boston, U.S.A, and his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. His educational background, combined with strategic expertise in designing and developing applications in Healthcare, Mutual Funds and Mathematical applications motivated him to come up with this remarkable computerized card game called “304”.

His passion for this card game from the tender age of 7 has been something that he could not resist. He played this game with his brothers and friends in school days. His parents discouraged him as they feared that it will have a negative impact on his studies. Instead it really helped him develop some of the hidden skills (memory, problem solving, analytical, arithmetic, etc) When in university, he was noted to carry a pack of cards in his pocket all the time. Paul admits that playing this game even at work place during breaks will relax and stimulate the mind which will increase the productivity and performance of the individual.

In the year 2000, his enthusiasm for the challenge of new ventures prompted him to computerize this game. Besides his wife’s support, his in-depth understanding of this game motivated him immensely. Paul mentioned that the knowledge he gained by designing and developing mathematical applications which includes Laplace transformation to difficult differential equations into simple algebra problems, Simulation programs, Lottery combination plays and winnings using permutation and combination theory and cursor movements and controls using co-ordinate geometry helped him to design this game effectively. His enthusiasms for challenge, with a reputation for accuracy and thoroughness shared with many individuals have given him the satisfaction of accomplishment.

Although not born in Canada, Paul and his family love the people and the environment of the country. Paul and his family moved to Canada in 1991. He is happily married with three children aging 14, 10 and 4. He has a passion for Indian Music. He plays many musical instruments including Key board, Flute, Veena and Mandolin but he never learned it. Paul had an active music band in Toronto called “Swaram 7” during the year 1993 to 1996 with ten band members and had staged more than 100 performances. When he finds time, he likes nothing better than playing cards and music. Paul says when the time and resources permit he will want to have his own music recording studio to compose his own music.


304 Games Inc.

Tel: (416) 439-3042
(416) 318-6493
Email: Sales@304Games.Com

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